5'5 164lbs- 130lbs. down 34lbs! Decided to take action. Beachbody changed my life. Community support, Home workouts, healthy portioned meal plan and daily superfoods.
20/F/5'5" - 175 to 155 lbs, 37% to 30% body fat. Binge eating disorder to a healthy relationship with food. Sedentary life to avid 5Ker. 8 month's progress!
One of the girls that roam freely in the new Safari park, full of wild free range girls captured from the Femdom Empire and protected as wild life in the Park
She arrived last night, leaving her meager clothes in a pile at the bus stop and wandering into the dark wilderness. This morning, she awoke to the beauty of the park, ready to begin her new life
The life of a travel sports mom — two hours on the road, eight hours at the gym, a few quality minutes releasing some tension in the bathroom. It makes me cum even harder knowing you’re going to watch... (F, 43)