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the wine pictures and galleries

Told my sub to not tip the wine glass or punishment would ensue

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They've been drinking the wine again

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They've been drinking the wine again

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Told my sub to not spill the wine glass

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The wine helped us (f)ully let (f)ree

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She had the wine.....then she had the bottle (Album)

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The Wine Cellar was full.

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Letting the wine flow

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Letting the wine flow

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When the wine comes out the clothes come off

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Minnie Manga bringing the wine

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In case you didn't like the wine

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Must be the wine.

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I don't know mom. If I do spring for the wine, what will I get?

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Quick pic in the wine cellar at work

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The days of wine, roses, and landing strips - may they never end

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Wine Anyone?

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In France, there are esoteric wine label laws such as "Unless the wine is from a Premier Cru vineyard, the vineyard name must be printed in characters no more than half the height of the ones used for the village name" [wikipedia]

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Spill the wine

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In the Wine Aisle (x-post /r/LiftedSkirts)

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In the Wine Cellar

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Reaching for the wine glass

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Katya Clover "In case you didn't like the wine"

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Better lay off the wine at the party granny

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Is it the wine I'm drinking or do I actually look acceptable tonight?

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In the Wine Aisle

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About to open the wine

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Got a headache from day drinking so that I can put up with my relatives... then drank some more when I realized that I'm the wine aunt

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By the wine rack

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What should I do with this bottle after drinking the wine? Any ideas?

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Letting her mistress taste the wine...

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About to open the wine

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One day you come home earlier than expected... You see the wine glasses... You see the clothing on the floor... Then you hear the voices... You know what is expecting you... It was bound to happen and it is finally happening...

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How is the wine? - Aubrey Plaza (OC)

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‘tis the season to stuff my belly with all the wine

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How is the wine? - Aubrey Plaza (OC)

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