"Hey, Cynthia, mind if I fuck your cunt? I need to de-stress before the meeting for the new merger." "Sure boss. But why not use Jen? You're partners, you should be getting ready." "Nah, she's having their lawyers spitroast her on the conference table. Sa
In poor countries you need to give women really really serious survival reasons for them to become prostitutes. In the rich First World you need to give women really really serious reasons for them to quit prostitution, and they won't even quit it then
MD feminists: a superior man's urine is one of the greatest privileges your inferior female existence can aspire to in this world, so begging your Master to let you drink his urine on next women's day will boost your self-esteem so you can march against i
*sigh*... "You are the perviest brother in the world. I told you, I need to cum for my livestream! I knew it would be a mistake to let you suck me off. I'll tell you what, you can lick me clean when I'm done, okay?"