So when a woman is unhappy about her husband, she says she is unhappy about the kitchen life, because there's just one thing in this world that can make female inferiority unhappy: inferior men. A woman married to a superior man is a woman happy to stay a
We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior
Real life kajira in the "nadu" kneeling position. it has a turian style slave collar locked on its neck and a "kef" brand on its left thigh. "kef" is the first letter in the gorean word "kajira" which means slavegirl.
Being a slave is a whole way of life, involving a total modality of existence. there is a great deal more to it than simply serving a master in the furs. [2 MIC]
The horse had wandered back to the group after running across the meadow after the girl was yanked from its back. the gorean grabbed the horse's reins. "rise and take the reins to go back to your life of misery, or rise and strip naked, turn around, then
honestly always LOVED the PRIVATE magazine endings because of the flying cum. Can't tell you how HOT it is to shoot things like this every few days with the love of my life in probably the world's best marriage :) (yes, that's all us)
New on Only Fans, as well as public sexuality... 100% real milf (definitely not a model lol) with secret side. I have a profesional life in the real world so this needs to stay secret... just expanding my horizons.