All sluts are required to exercise daily to keep their bodies tight and fuckable. However, they are not allowed to have this interfere with their duty to service their owner's cock.
As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional freedom in them, women no longer make money by way of their body due to criminal coercion, poverty, etc, but because they choose that way of making money and because
Decent honorable women prefer inferior, respectful, feminist men who think women are more than simple fuckmeat, they're as superior as men and have better things to offer than their bodies. Real life women, on the other hand, prefer superior men
women are superior man pursuing trash; so women are trash. However, to women inferior men are trash, so women are superior people to inferior men. Inferior men think women have better things to offer than their bodies, so women post naked pictures of them
Poor countries' women sell their body for money because they have no choice. First World's women sell their body for money because they have the choice. Never underestimate the inferior hypergamous female mind
Superior men have an ethical duty to accept and appreciate women for their body, since given female inferiority can't contribute anything better than female body, then if superior men don't appreciate women for their body, they won't be able to appreciate
The Misogynist Prison Commandant enjoyed fucking the bodies of Feminist Prisoners at night. But he can't stand the smell of women. He found the perfect place to keep Feminists bound during the day, so their bodies are sparkling clean at night.
Masculinist Squads would kidnap prominent Feminist leaders, gag their bitchy mouths, as Demoralizing Propaganda strip them to expose all the imperfections in their body- the flab, wrinkles, aging, to demonstrate how Feminism is insecure ugliness