This is progress. I've lost 10 pounds in the past 4 weeks by running. I didn't think to take photos when I started. Could someone comment and give pointers as to how I can better improve my physique.
24/F/5'1''/120lbs. Recently someone posted some of my nudes to r/PerkyChubby without my consent. I always thought "chubby" was just something I'd think of myself in my not so great moments, but apparently other people see it as an accurate description. I
What's the deal with all these guys being shocked that someone is over 30..are we supposed to roll over and die or smthng lol?I for one think that age is merely a number if you take care of yourself
I think the reason I am into this kind of exhibitionism is my deep wish to share my nudity with someone. Since I don't have a SO I come to reddit to look at my chunk.
Dad thinks his new wife comes into my room to help me with my math homework each evening. In reality, she just wants someone cute to look at while she jerks off.
Opera singer Lina Cavalieri (1910s/1920s) I saw a picture of her in my schoolbook when we were learning about opera in music class. I don't think i've ever been this taken aback from someone's beauty