So yes, smart women don't like men who think women are brainless fuckmeat. And ALL women prefer and aspire to superior Men who need nothing from women and who think women are just inferior brainless fuckmeat
Decent honorable women prefer inferior, respectful, feminist men who think women are more than simple fuckmeat, they're as superior as men and have better things to offer than their bodies. Real life women, on the other hand, prefer superior men
Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v
Inferior feminist men think women are more than fuckmeat and so they're sex negative, so those men wouldn't dare to do any disrespectful thing to a woman. So these feminists are using their free-but-optimizing agency to proudly show off that feminism isn'
inferior men think women's role "in the streets" is their real and normal behavior, and what they do "in the sheets" is their exceptional role. It's the other way around: what a woman does in the sheets is her real and normal behavior, and what she does i
Honestly I like to see my posts cause bad subscribers to leave, cause I think some people are not getting something: this subreddit is only intended for superior Men who think women are inferior, and for women who admit their female inferiority to superio
women are superior man pursuing trash; so women are trash. However, to women inferior men are trash, so women are superior people to inferior men. Inferior men think women have better things to offer than their bodies, so women post naked pictures of them
Everybody wants 2 show off how good they r. Since women r inferior, women choose superior men that think women r inferior so women can prove how good they r at being inferior; & they reject inferior men that think women r superior so women don't need