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A bit of a random post but this sort of thing really annoys me, probably more than it should; how in the hell can these 2 models, who work for the same company, be 11 cup sizes and 2 band sizes apart? They look almost the same surely?

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This inconvenient subreddit has allowed us to develop a conceptual framework within which we can now easily state that the female body's beauty does not lie in its curves, but in being the best thing the woman can offer from herself. female beauty and per

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All women seek a superior Man they can be justifiedly happy to do things like this for

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Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v

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So artificial gender equality defending feminists prefer superior Men because, due to female inferiority, this is the only thing women can do and contribute in order to be accepted by Men (whether superior or inferior men). An inferior being wouldn't try

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It can be difficult to unsheathe this thing [GIF]

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It can be difficult to unsheathe this thing [GIF]

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This robe can only be used for one thing...

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Part 3 because I posted the wrong thing be[f]ore. Gosh I just can't seem to get this right. :(

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Every woman, even a hypothetically superior one, could be used as a toilet. It's the fact that this is the best thing female inferiority can honestly contribute that makes women happy to be used as a toilet when it is by men that are superior

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To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i

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female inferior carnal attributes are inferior and so they can't be "superior" or "beautiful" in themselves, unless they're the "best", "most superior" thing the woman can contribute. That is: inferiority, not anatomy itself, is the "sexy" "beautiful" thi

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One only wants 2 b desired by those one oneself desires too. One only enjoys & feels validated by being enjoyed by those one oneself enjoys too. This is y mistreatment can only become an enjoyable thing 2 women when women submit it 2 the enjoyment of

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Living with my two sisters can be tough. I used to love doing little things to annoy them, like eating their leftovers and leaving the toilet seat up. I thought they would just take it but this morning they got their revenge by waking me up in their own s

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You can cum & get longer videos like this ?? watching me be the naughtiest slut will become your new favourite thing ??

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