If one didn't know better, you'd think he was one of my favorite actors or something. Getting through this life is hard enough as it is, but when your childhood gets a finality put on it via a death of one of your favorite people, well it just plain sucks
MD feminists: r/MD is a Male2Male subreddit. So maybe your life gets happier if you simply unsubscribe this subreddit (if you se3e strange titles from myself it's due to whisky's effedcts)
MD feminists, this woman's day is a good day to remember that your greatest aspiration in life as females is that of being accepted and treated accordingly to the actuality and biologicality of your inferiority by the superior men that are your female inf
Every morning your daughter sucks on your young bully neighbor’s big cock while he eats the breakfast that you prepared for him. This is your life now.