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understood pictures and galleries

For the first time, I finally understood (and appreciated) what a real "grower" is...

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[X- 1080] She Finally Understood and Then Let Herself Go: Passion Caught On Video, Sweat of Ecstasy, Supreme Sex HD - Nana Ogura

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My parents never understood why I loved picking up my sister from college

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My cousin seemed more excited than normal at my horse-riding offer. I understood why when she showed up that day.

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"good job consuela. you keep this attitude and make yourself available and we may not have to have you deported back to honduras. now go upstairs and clean my room. and i want you to leave my cum where it is until i tell you otherwise, understood?"

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I never understood just how much skin tissue is removed in a circumcision until I drew on my penis with a sharpie. Also, TIL I would have a huge circ scar.

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Never understood this

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Never understood the whole cuckolding thing... (x-post from /nsfw)

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I never understood the appeal of whisks, but to each her/his own.

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Western men liberated women when they understood that female inferiority itself was the most binding chains and the severest oppression.

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Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to the superior Men female inferiority needs and prefers; i.e, genuine female sexuality can only be understood as female sexuality being the only way female inferiority is capa

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MD feminists: embrace your inferiority. Gender "inferiority/superiority" mustn't be understood as "bad/good", but as "female/Male", so your inferiority makes your femaleness superior. Embracing your inferiority gets u superior Men. U don't dislike being i

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Never understood why Brandy Robbins wasn't more popular

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I never understood the need to paint my nails

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Never understood why girls don't unplug their phones when taking selfies like this

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She finally understood what the fuss is all about

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When I came home and found mother wearing this outfit, I understood we were going to skip dinner and head straight to bed

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Mom never understood why I was so eager to accompany her on her boring shopping trips

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Growing up in the Feminist State of equality, Beth never understood why she was unhappy. Then she uncovered The Happiness Cookbook, from the bad old days of Patriarchy. She finds herself preparing dinners for her imagined Master in lingerie, plotting how

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When your sister met me on the beach she quickly understood her place

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Your mom knows how much you hate the school principal. Today he made up a completely fake reason to give you detention, but when you got home you understood why he wanted you out of the house. Now he's threatened to expel you unless you stay and watch him

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After I beat you up at the game your sisters came to confront me. After awhile they understood that white cocks are better than black ones

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She was training you well. You understood now, that sex didn't end in orgasm for you.

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Understood, slave boy?

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Understood, slave boy?

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Understood, slave boy?

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Bully: I gave that beautiful ass of hers a proper spanking. Cum slut finally understood that I take my role as master of the house seriously. Seems your whore of a mother finally understood her place. I mean just look at the smile on her face, she looks s

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REAL. MEN. ONLY. Understood, sissy?

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I took me a while but i finally understood what's a slave coffle...

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I took me a while but i finally understood what's a slave coffle...

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New here, so posting one that's close to my heart. One of the first times my wife truly understood I REALLY like spit. I'd show more of the video but I lost control of the phone for obvious reasons.

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She never understood why people liked Anal...until she tried it

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I've never understood the skimpy bikini top, with the full on mom jeans.

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understood porn gifs

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