[20F ~ 5'3" ~ 120ish#] My breasts are small and uneven, and my butt's kinda square... BUT! My curly hair is fun, I like my body shape, and I think its unique how my belly button is crooked. I've learned to see the positives in spite of the negatives!
20F / 129lbs / 5'8" Not very confident in my body after 50lb weight loss. My breasts are uneven and sagging and my thighs are covered in stretch marks.
26/f/140 lbs/5'3" - a bit nervous, but here I am baring my least favorite body part: my uneven, odd looking breasts (changed due to weight loss) AND my favorite body part: my very nice butt
[18F/5'8"/220lbs] Working hard to lose weight and become healthier, but trying to come to terms with the things I can't change like my saggy, uneven breasts and all my stretch marks.