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upper class pictures and galleries

During the 1800s being able to hire a french maid was seen as a status symbol and slightly poorer upper-class families who couldn't afford to bring a girl over from France would sometimes pay a local maid to pretend to be French.

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She looks like an upper class lady

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The upper class in the late 19th century wore certain types of chokers. However, at that same time, a plain thin red or black ribbon choker had ties to prostitution, as seen in Manet's Olympia (1861). A plain black woven choker or ribbon could signify sec

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[Mikawaya] The Story Where the Gal in the Upper Caste of the Class Turns Out To Be a Cosplayer {desudesu}

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The Story Where the Gal in the Upper Caste of the Class Turns Out To Be a Cosplayer [Mikawaya]

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