The exercise ball was developed in 1963 by Aquilino Cosani, the first ones were much smaller and used in treatments for infants and newborns. [wikipedia]
In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or review cosmetics, although it does regulate the colors that can be used in the hair dyes. The cosmetic companies are not required to report injuries resulting from use of their produc
The word "Tennis" came into use in English in the mid-13th century from Old French, via the Anglo-Norman term "Tenez", which can be translated as "hold!" [wikipedia]
The Reaper demanded a babe from the nearby village to use in his dungeon monthly, and you would think that he’d have to take one. But all the women go willingly, as it is whispered once you have sex with this hung creature in bondage, you will never want
Tales from the Jester Club: Bar Room Bitches. Civilisation LLP recommends men get additional training in how to handle cunts as it can prove extremely useful in resolving common issues.