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was correct pictures and galleries

Someone told me you guys would love his gi[f] of my ass ;) was he correct?

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Sir was away but he made sure i kept up with my training. of course riding his hard cock is the best form of exercise and he made sure i held my pose long enough to make my muscles strain and teach me the correct posture and position [ruthrainer]

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"Like all finely tuned instruments, your body must be properly cared for in order to play the beautiful music it was intended to play. Care for your body and learn how to use it correctly, and it will play music that is unique to you — your life song." -

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I ask mom to try out an outfit I bought for my gf. I wanted to see if the size is correct. Mom was a bit reluctant but finally agreed to pose in it.

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It was suggested by u/copenhagenman I post here...let's see i[f] they were correct... [x-post from r/gonewild]

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure this was ever posted here. The completed version of Trance Tory Takeover.

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There was only one correct answer when mom asked me how much I liked her new dress

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The workshops on developing artistic talent were a surprise hit at SLAVECon. Or perhaps it was watching the Goddesses correct those who didn't measure up which was the real draw... (Lezdom)

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My ex used to say my arms are a sight for sore eyes, was she correct?

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Sir, my Maid Peggy suggests that one day, Women might equally use bicycles. I countered that it was not at all Lady like, even for lowly staff. Peggy soon corrected my views with a practical demonstration of her Female prowess on my Swift Safety, and I no

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