Cuntztown (?) college. Whatever. There is one okay picture in the group. An okay picture is a beautiful thing. Consider stopping by /r/photography where you can learn to take okay pictures. For example I learned that lighting is often more important than
"adelphi" "university" another school that is reifying the student loan crisis and ensuring a steady trickle of hot wet desperate girls into the paid sex economy where they learn essential job skills and people skills involved in the sale of skin and swee
According to the Turfgrass Extension and Outreach program at UIUC, every mowing should remove one third of the grass blade's height. []
2018 Body Gratitude Month 12 Day 31 - I learned so much about my body this year. What have you learned about bodies—mine, yours, or bodies in general? [I finished my YEAR of daily posts! Woooohooo! Thanks for all the love.]