When the superheroine Justice Warrior heard that the white slavers were specifically targeting SJW coeds to fulfill a uniquely twisted market demand, she was determined to rescue the poor girls. Now the maiden of Justice is just a fellow slave sister to t
The Girl Detective had been investigating the horrors of the White Slave Trade smuggling ring, in which girls were bough and sold as objects for her School Newspaper. Now beaten and stripped to her undies, her snooping has earned her a 1st hand scoop
The Men's Resistance Army found that selling prisoners into white slavery was a much more profitable way to fund their insurgency, than demanding ransom from the Feminist Establishment.
I looked down at my prize. From being a smartly dressed Alpha-class mutant, Emma Frost -- the powerful White Queen -- was now my cum-drenched whore. I made this GIF. Tell me what you think!