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Why even bother wearing

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Why even bother?

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Why even bother with pockets?

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Why even bother?

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Not sure why she even bothers covering up

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Why even bother with clothes at this size?

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Don't know why I even bother putting it on

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with lovely undies like these, why even bother getting dressed today!

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[image] Idk why I even bother wearing shirts

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Why even bother with pockets?

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Guys Are Jerks... My Sister Has To Remind Me Why I Even Bother With Them

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It's like why even bother with a top

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unsure why she bothered putting this on.

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Why do I bother when its this windy

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Why bother even wearing a shirt at this point?

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She knew you had to work so she didn’t even bother inviting you to the party

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