So when women want a superior Man, they accordingly know they want a Man women themselves will have to convince and beg to. This is why women only strive to convince and beg superior Men
This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers inferior men; they all prefer superior Males. Since women have only 1 dignity to lose, they need to make it the most profitable possible to themselves; so their feminist free
Is there dignity in sex work? Why should we consider sex work to be low, base or degraded? Why? In general people suffering from an involuntary non-guilty disability deserve respect. You wouldn't insult someone for being an amputee. So apply this to femal
So women feel validationally happy when their physical pain and moral degradation succeed in amusing and getting enjoyed by a superior man. This is why women can validationally enjoy being mistreated as long as it is by a superior man
[F] Yui doesn't understand why everyone is acting so strange since the principal showed her this new phone app. They keep staring at her uniform, and none of them are naked. [Public nudity][Common-sense manipulation][Mind control][Artist:Fuchitoro]