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Mom doesn't understand why anyone would want to take a photo of her while she's cleaning

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Mom doesn't understand why anyone would want to take a photo of her while she's cleaning

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Mom doesn't understand why anyone would want to take a photo of her while she's cleaning

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Raking is enough to make anyone horny. [Xpost from /r/rakes]

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Mom doesn't understand why anyone would want to take a photo of her while she's cleaning

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Picture of me and unlike so many on here, it's actually me. Why would anyone post pictures of someone else's wife and lie? So strange to me. Maybe proof should be required.. anyway, hope you all enjoy this pic in my new bra and nothing else! Xoxo

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I keep hearing us Latinas are sex crazy.. why would anyone say that? ;)

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Scream all you want cunt, no one is coming. Hell, no one is even looking. Why would anyone miss a whore like you?

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Why would anyone wear clothes in their backyard?

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Would anyone like to ride my cock? Follow me if you want it

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