I think my 40 something wi(f)e is as hot as ever but she wants to know what you guys think? She loves your comments and PMs. I benefit from them too. :)
I thought this picture was fitting for today, Innocent wifey sent this pic to me 5 months postpartum. Her body is banging more than ever after having our first child. And she is radiant because her heart is fulfilled. God bless America! Would you?
A few people asked me if I'd ever do posters, so I got a test one printed, and I'm thinking about putting them on my website. Would you guys be interested? (More info in comments)
Rachel Starrs special move..... when she asks him if he is ready at the start of this move.... how can you ever be ready for that!!??! How long would you last?
Ever since your sister had that awful nightmare, she's been sharing your bed for comfort and company. You just wish she would keep it down during her nightly bedtime routine