When a shaped shadow points to the center of interest in a photo, the shadow will direct the viewer’s attention to the center of interest. [http://www.picturecorrect.com/tips/tips-for-using-shadows-in-photography/ ]
"LaJean Lawson, a former professor of exercise science at Oregon State University, has studied breast motion since 1985 and now works as a consultant for companies like Nike to develop better sports bra designs" [http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/t
Dogs cool themselves primarily by the process of panting and breathing, with the moist lining of their lungs serving as the evaporative surface. [http://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/behavior-training/understanding-your-dog/how-do-dogs-sweat ]
In 2005, the mentally challenged Jack Thompson stated that "Sims 2 contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair". [http://www.gamespot.com/articles/sims-2-content-worse-than-hot-coffe
Jaguars are stocky and muscular, with large rosettes over a tawny coat that fades to spotted white underneath. [http://www.bigcats.com/learn-to-identify-the-big-cats ] (model: Veronika Fasterova)