women feel offended when inferior men treat them bad, but they feel happy and validated when superior Men treat them bad. So MD gentlemen remember: if you are superior Men, you MUST mistreat women, once they beg you for it, so they feel respected by you
"Ninjas have kidnapped the president. Are you a Bad enough Dude to rescue the President?" - A trailer created by me and my friends inspired by beat-em-up videogames and the 1980s in general [1:43].
Are you a fan of big athletic butts? My 50% off sale ends today at midnight! Tons of anal, bad dragon, deepthroat, fisting, lactation, and lots more! [vid]
So may sound bad ,,, but I found this on the ground while I was out.... had to try it .... hope no one is out looking for it .... if they are ... well .. oh well ... I’m just weird