
try search you know the usual on or or or duckduckgo

you know the usual pictures and galleries

Girls don't usually chat you up in the gym, so you thought you'd hit it big with this one. You just didn't know how big.

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When my students ask me what I've been doing this weekend: "Just the usual, you know... "

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Oh You Know, Just the Usual! :)

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So I've started playing Pokémon Go again. Not that crazy about it, tbh, but it's a good enough incentive to just go out and walk around town. Brought this milkshake pair with me on today's adventure! As usual, let me know if you want 'em

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Playing with an alien dick before it breeds me, you know, the usual (female)

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Come over, watch tv, get your dick sucked. You know, the usual.

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