When my daughter had trouble meeting boys, I offered to set her up with a hot, young stud I knew. I just don't think she expected it to be her brother.
Buttons is the loveliest girl. She's one of the most adorable puppies ever, fed and trained everyday and has never cried and wasn't denied anything. She is the daughter of a former feminist leader. Girlies trained when young, turn out to be the cutest and
Buttons is the loveliest girl. She's one of the most adorable puppies ever, fed and trained everyday and has never cried and wasn't denied anything. She is the daughter of a former feminist leader. Girlies trained when young, turn out to be the cutest and
Linda had suffered dearly for the Feminism of her wilder young and crazy years, and wanted to give her rebellious daughter a taste of what Patriarchy had in store for her if she continued her Feminist bitchiness
Every morning your daughter sucks on your young bully neighbor’s big cock while he eats the breakfast that you prepared for him. This is your life now.