To remove a straitjacket with both back and crotch-straps, it is not necessary to be able to dislocate one's shoulders. The necessity of this ability was fictitiously created by Harry Houdini and his brother Hardeen to try to lessen the amount of competit
Professional carwashing is a "non-point source" of discharge that has the ability to capture these contaminants, normally in interceptor drains, so the contaminants can be removed before the water enters sanitary systems.
If you have extra range of motion, you must keep your joints limber through regular stretching, or some of that ability may be lost as you age. [HowStuffWorks, "Can you really be double-jointed?"]
Feral children lack the basic social skills that are normally learned in the process of enculturation. For example, they may have almost insurmountable trouble learning a human language. This impaired ability is often attributed to the existence of a crit
23, 155, 5'10. Chronic back pain has robbed me of my ability to workout and as my physique fades away I'm rapidly feeling less confident in all aspects of my life
Told one of my buddies I got a golden dog cock that jizzes. He asked, "What do you mean?” ... I replied, "I mean I got a golden dog cock that jizzes." Thank you Bad Dragon for allowing me the ability to say those words.
Gents, remember that it's not your ability to approach women that makes you attractive and so accepted by women; it's your attractiveness (***that makes you get accepted by women***) that enables you to successfully approach women. Approaching the gym is
Some people criticize the porn industry, but hey, women have the "ability to choose", right? So it's women's choice. women always choose their lives' best option
When it comes 2 inferior men, feminism's core definition logically is gender equality (u can't call an inferior man a superior man). When it comes 2 superior men, feminism's core definit. is freedom of choice, comprising abilities such as choosing & s
So u've got the female brain saying feminism is on gender equality, then saying it's on freedom, without realizing freedom entails the ability 2 choose 2 drop gender equality... feminism itself is grounded in female inferior intelligence... then feminists
After all, feminists sometimes say feminism is about the ability to choose, and what could be a greater exercise of the freedom of choice than freely choosing to shit on feminism and submit to the Patriarchy's oppression?
A demonstration of the duct tape's many problem solving abilities: containing moving parts for better control, muting unwanted sounds, and giving you a better grip