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I'm 24, and struggle to fill even the smallest bras, but you guys are into that?

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[t]here are 9 here, but i managed to fit 10! [self]

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Finding a couple who wants to try a third in the bedroom but are too shy, ends up like this.

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When you are good-looking and bicurious boy. But also an introvert

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Festival flashers are not all created equally [via r/OneHotOneNot]

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There are many "sports", but this one is probably my favorite.

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The definition of "woman" can be considered from two different but equivalent perspectives: A) what women say to superior Men they are; and B) what women say to inferior men they aren't

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You may think getting your ass destroyed is an easy job, but sex is actually work to womyn, that is, something you can do and you do to obtain in return other things you can't achieve on your own. This is why sex workers exist; in fact, sex workers are th

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Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s

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The lesser female brain can't get porn industry isn't about Male misogyny but female hypergamy. This porn scene isn't meaning Men are misogynous and mistreat women; it means women are hypergamous and need superior Men. Female watchers enjoy this painful a

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The feminist brainwash helps women get rid of inferior men. The Maledom brainwash helps women be accepted by the superior Men they need and prefer. So both brainwashes are not incompatible, but they complement each other

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No woman would do this for a man if this man is so inferior that he's unable to achieve on his own things that she can't achieve on her own neither. Artificial gender equality defenders love to claim women are superior, but they all reject the inferior me

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So women are inferior and useless, but, and so, offering their carnal inferiority to superior Men is their "defense", both in general and particularly concerning inferior men

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Apparently the greatest indicator of the world's stability, wealth and safety is the status of women. I guess it means in the Third World women are mistreated against their will, but in the First World women beg superior Men to mistreat them. So, logicall

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feminists are perfectly ok with mistreatment and degradation; what they reject is unconsented mistreatment and degradation, that is, they reject mistreatment and degradation by inferior men. But feminists beg for mistreatment and degradation to superior M

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So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept that women are inferior is not sexy to those superior Men you prefer. Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, only accept women who accept and worship their Male superi

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MD feminists: if you are ugly, beg your Master to beautify you on blows. Probably you won't understand why does it work, but I tell you it works

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Past feminists were coerced slaves; modern feminists are willing slaves. Thanks feminism for giving freedom to the female brain and helping women so much. But please don't advocate freedom for underage children too, because their lack of knowledge will ge

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See, all feminists think about it, but only some of them decide they have some standard about the type of sub-human garbage they are.

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From a superior man's experienced perspective women are just inferior fuckmeat. From inferior men's perspective women could be known as fuckmeat too, only they're not acting like such; but inexperience makes inferior men discern that lack of female submis

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Now that feminism is another oppressive system, can you guess what will be the first concealed but fundamental rule of this oppressive feminism? Exactly: all women are under the obligation to prefer and choose superior Men. Which is one of those freedom i

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So the reason why women want to be treated like respectable superior people by inferior men via feminism isn't that women are superior, but that being treated like the inferior worthless dump meat women are is the only thing women can contribute superior

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The new oppressive-coercive feminism that thinks consent isn't enough and female freedom is an illusion decides that even 1st world women are forced into prostitution (thus coercing free women into not choosing prostitution), but it then wants prostitutio

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Beautiful and eager to undergo abuse and pain to your fun and orgasm. But only if you are a superior Man.

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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The hours are long, and you often come home exhausted and sore, but your husband always understands when I tell him you need to stay late to finish a project.

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women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues superior Men, women don't depend on inferior men, and this is why women aren't inferior or worthless to inferior men. women have built a whole feminism out of this hypergam

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Inferior feminist men think women are more than fuckmeat and so they're sex negative, so those men wouldn't dare to do any disrespectful thing to a woman. So these feminists are using their free-but-optimizing agency to proudly show off that feminism isn'

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You have all those popular feminists complaining about female devotion and submission to superior Men, but then those feminists themselves are the ones devoting & submitting to superior Men. So you have those feminists complaining about their own devo

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Hi All. My wife and I have been seriously considering letting a man join us, but she thinks she is not hot. she said if we can get 50 positive comments on her pic she will agree to a dude joining us. PLEASE Help!! we are in Boston

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So women simply and logically are superior man-pursuing (& inferior man-hating) inferior fuckmeat. Since inferior men are inferior, they don't get pursued by women, but they're the ones pursuing women instead, which empowers women with worth, importan

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Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too

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In poor countries women are mistreated against their will. In First World's countries of wealth, of professional opportunities, of freedom and of feminism women are smarter and they beg to be mistreated, but only to superior men

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Misogyny doesn't really need to be the problem: women could simply prefer and choose inferior men who actually believe in female superiority, who are feminist and who are not misogynistic. But real life women don't prefer inferior men, cause such is the l

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Organized my sock drawer last night. They're not all there since some are in the hamper, but this is still so satisfying...

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You are just a plaything for your mistress and all of her guests. Your holes are free to be used at any time, with or without restraint.

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