When you're in a relationship, it doesn't mean you only get to fuck that one person, it means you have a partner for all the people you get to take to bed with you
Artificial gender equality defenders' preference for superior Men is simply based on female inferiority. Superior people don't need to beg other people for things they can achieve on their own. women would not pay their curves if they could achieve the th
feminists are complaining about people not being feminist; they forgot a thing exists which they call 'freedom' that enables people not to be feminist, and so they want to oppress people into feminism. It's only freedom if it benefits them
Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio
Inferior men see women as superior people (inferior men's feminism is a feature inbuilt within inferior men's inferior genes); superior men see women as inferior people (inbuilt feature); female inferiority simply maximizes its benefits out of it all