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getting her money's worth from her seat

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Dear Senator: Ever since our daughter realized she can make money with her boobs there's been no stopping her. Is there anything in the Constitution that can help us rein her in?

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She works hard for the money...

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It's all about the money

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"Don't worry, honey. I'll entertain you while we wait for the ransom money."

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How I spend money

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All women use their best skills for making money or being accepted by the Best Man.

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She's not thinking about money, or her job, her friends, her obligations, or her responsibilities. She's not thinking. She's totally in the moment, his cock in her ass, her head underfoot. It's very zen. In submission, she's found Nirvana.

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In rich countries of freedom you are the one to choose your job to earn money

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Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a

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Here we aren't interested in the false image of female superiority feminists brainwash inferior men about at feminist meetings to get money from those men. We're interested in the actual women, that go back home to a superior Man whose love they want to k

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Wealthy countries' wise feminists struggled for their right to this. So this is the right they're liberatedly running in the present: the right to earn money by means of their wisdom.

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Two more Patriarchy-fighters earning money to model. Since they used their freedom to choose the job that suits their needs, they also perform their job for feminist activism in the process

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Another feminist convincing a man with her best skills, in order to get him to give her money.

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feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests government's egalitarian policies for the same reasons of justice disabled people do. feminism is the female hypergamy's struggle against inferior men

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Doing something for his money. In a frame of liberation and feminism.

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The input: superior Man's cum. The output: feminism against inferior men and in favor of inferior men's money

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In rich countries of freedom, of professional opportunities and of feminism, she makes money that way either because she is inferior or because she is empowered; choose your favorite interpretation.

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In charge of her sexuality, she embraces her sexuality and likes sex as much as men. Plus she earns money to work as a porn whore

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So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status

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I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists make money by shitting on feminism to male amusement, liberatedly and willingly.

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Another superior feminist, getting money and social position the way women have always done.

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feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. This means women should have the right to submit like the real fuckmeat they biologically are to real, superior Men plus the right to get money from inferior men via quotas and other non-guilty female

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First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries' whores. Poor countries' feminists r whores bc it's their only option 2 earn money & survive. They're unwilling, false whores. Rich countries' feminists earn mon

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Another strong independent feminist using her capabilities to make money as a pay-per-use toilet, aka sex worker. She's a bit more expensive than the traditional toilet behind her because her greater capabilities enable her to make sandwiches and iron shi

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[VOSS-008] I Came Up With A Scheme With My Hot, Broke Sister-In-Law To Auction Off Her Freshly Stained Panties - We Told Ourselves It Was Just About The Money, But... We Got Horny And I Dumped A Creampie Inside Her 1080p - Starring "Erika Kitagawa"

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feminism is not a hate movement against men; it is a hate movement against inferior men. wymyn's inferiority loves superior men. feminism is the way wymyn's inferiority tries to get money from inferior men because feminism and quotas

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Another femini$t earning money to work in the job that suits her needs and female capabilities

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So "no slut-shaming" is what feminists demand from inferior men so feminists can keep receiving respect, money, status, quotas and presidencies from inferior men no matter what feminists themselves do by night for the superior men their female inferiority

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Another feminist using hypergamy for getting money, requests for autographs and Wikipedia pages from inferior men, maybe even a future presidency

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women try to seduce superior men by implying other men are inferior to those superior men. women try to get respect, social status, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism from inferior men by implying other men are superior to those

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[M/S] And by stripper, she means hooker. His mom used to have sex with guys for money.

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"Sure, I could just slide it off you and save you the money. Buuut..."

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I owed money to my weed dealer and he destroyed my mom rough for taking too long to pay back Kik: rtoouda

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I owed Marcus and Jerome a lot of money which they collected from Mom's holes

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Shouldn't she have let them take your money and phone instead?

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