Apparently the last picture was bad, so here is another one to make up for that. Would be nice if you could say me why you didn't like the last one so I don't make the same mistake twice :) (6/?)
Did you miss the first freebie? no worries, here is another one ! offering this soft red bra to the person that buys a premade video and he would like to own it for free ! more info inside!
Yesterday's post got a lot of positive feedback. Here's another one for all you appreciative people. If you ask nicely maybe I'll post the one I took without my hand in the way!
If you’ve been following along...this has been quite the week for me stepping out of comfort zones. Here’s another one — I’ve never used one of these before. Ever. And this video captures the first time. Eeeek! Please note my shaky, nervous hand! You *mus