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My queen likes to sit on my face when she's reading her books (x-post /r/FemdomMatriarchy)

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Got these today! (Ai No Kusabi;1 to 7, still lack book 8 though) Come over for reading time?

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I guess it makes sense that it's tough to get com[f]y reading Lolita...

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Just [Finished] reading this. Too good not to share!

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update: I read myself to sleep [m]

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Anyone else tend to stand when they read? [m]

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(M) Any one read this? Just about to startm

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Reading co[m]ics is the best way to prepare for the apocalypse.

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Reading A Book

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Alexandra Stein reads to Lorena Garcia

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The intellectual Feminist endures the indignity, of having her glasses taken off and brutally stomped into pieces in front of her. It doesn't matter if the world is a blur to her, she is an object to be looked at, and she doesn't need to be reading books

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Gotta practice for those Dr. Seuss books you'll read to the kid in a couple of years.

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Ah, the gor books. my first master introduced me to them, as required reading. recently sold my full set. amazing books. [2 MIC]

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Sir, In our modern times we must be aware of new risks to life for servants. I have recently read a most enlightening medical book showing treatments for those suffering from miasmas, electrical fluids or overwork. I have instigated practice sessions twic

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She likes to dress well for reading her books

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