To both our surprise, I walked in on mom's cries, and not noticing wide eyes, but entranced by her thighs, I thought up quick lies, to tell dad or his spies, should I obtain that sweet prize to fill with cream pies.
Going through my mom's phone wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. The worst part of it all wasn't finding out that my dad is a cuck, or even seeing my mom get facefucked by a big black cock.. it was knowing that the bully from my class was the one do
Going through your mom's phone wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done. The worst part of it all wasn't finding out that your dad is a cuck, or even seeing your mom get fucked by a big white cock.. it was knowing that the one who was doing it, is me lo
Thank you everyone for your wonderful compliments and making this such a fun week by getting to know you all. My all time favorite past album in comments.