The Ohio State University in which many agricultural products but few technological products have been developed. In the 1980s UCSD built CP/M-86 for x86 chips while Microsoft was building PC-DOS. Sadly however CP/M-86 was not ready until 1982. In additio
This inconvenient subreddit has allowed us to develop a conceptual framework within which we can now easily state that the female body's beauty does not lie in its curves, but in being the best thing the woman can offer from herself. female beauty and per
As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional freedom in them, women no longer make money by way of their body due to criminal coercion, poverty, etc, but because they choose that way of making money and because
women are so complete, that they can perform a task as easy as pleasuring a Man at the time they perform a task as superior as helping develop scientific theories. Here you have 2 women doing both things: pleasuring her Man, for Science's sake. So don't s
The exercise ball was developed in 1963 by Aquilino Cosani, the first ones were much smaller and used in treatments for infants and newborns. [wikipedia]
The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world [Wikipedia]
"LaJean Lawson, a former professor of exercise science at Oregon State University, has studied breast motion since 1985 and now works as a consultant for companies like Nike to develop better sports bra designs" [
Most modern rope bondage techniques derive from the erotic Japanese bondage art form of shibari, which was in turn developed from the now-defunct Japanese military restraint technique of hojōjutsu. [wikipedia]