I (31/f/AB) just came out of the ABDL closet last week and feel great about it for the first time in my life. Here's a pic to thank you for the support!
MissPrincessKnickers interrupts your ABDL viewing to bring you this PSA. If you decide to go traipsing around London on the hottest day of the year, in a thick nappy, don't forget to vaseline up your inner thighs :(
I'm sorry for the crotch shot, but I am so excited that I wanted to share! I mentioned early in my journey that I had been self destructing with weight gain to block out my ABDL tendencies. I have finally lost enough weight to fit into my modern cloth nap
New mermaids onesie :) and chilling with big bambi. Slowly building my little wardrobe. This is one of my favourites. Everyone tell me about your own abdl clothing. What would you recommend?
12 Years ago if you had told me that not only would I be ok with wearing diapers, and that many of my friends do as well (including some of the most awesome people I have ever met,) but that there would be more diaper styles than I could handle... I would