On Slave World, when older women are enslaved, their heads are shaved and they are forced to perform a public display of sluttery at the local mall where all their friends will see them.
The most painful part of her maidly duties is having to wash every private orifice of the enslaved Feminist Governor. It shames her to see a once powerful Feminist Leader reduced to being the property of Patriarchy. She is only rubbing the humiliation in
The Abolitionist Dolly Morton had went down South to help free the slaves. Captured, given a public whipping and enslaved herself, she is soon to learn more about the intimacies of slave life than she ever wished, beginning with her public group bathing.
The Yankee Abolitionist had went down South to try to help free the Slaves. Instead she is captured by a plantation Master and herself sexually enslaved. The Southern Belle bathes and prepares the feisty Northerner for her husband's sexual pleasure
The streets of the Feminist Capital, are lined with posters showing their former Prime Minister utterly conquered. Enslaved, helplessly bound and collared. Impregnated and destined to give birth to the child of her worst enemy
Not all feminists were immediately enslaved upon arrest. Political prisoners were often bought up to inhabit ranches where wealthy businessmen would pay top dollar to go on "cuntmeat safaris" and take ownership of whatever they captured. To the left is a
The enslaved Senator has the Mark of Jezebel branded on her scorched buttocks, mere cattle, marked for life as a former Feminist who defied the Laws. Forever sentenced to the worst abuse from both Owner and harem sisters alike as punishment. At the bottom
Contrary to Feminist doctrine, the Women's detachment of the Masculinist Security Forces were often the most abusive towards their Feminist prisoners. While themselves enslaved they took great pleasure in letting presumptuous Feminazi Cunts know they were