Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to the superior Men female inferiority needs and prefers; i.e, genuine female sexuality can only be understood as female sexuality being the only way female inferiority is capa
The only genuinely and authentically happy woman is the woman accepted by a superior Man for her inferiority and for His inferior woman. Thanks to feminism, women have the freedom to submit their inferiority and dignity to superior Men, and the right to b
The restraining device is apparently called a ‘scavenger’s daughter’ and was invented in the court of King Henry VIII. Rarely used historically, there is one genuine one known to exist that is still in the Tower of London. (xpost from /r/Bondage)
Where is Kasia now? A correct answer to this question has the following vague format: - An accountant in Warsaw. - A Lawyer in Main. - A housewife in Berlin. There is nothing creepy about this, just a genuine, distant, supportive interest in what happened
The only validation that is genuine and authentic to the biological inferiority of the female gender is the validation of female inferiority itself's inferior ways of pleasing men that are superior getting indeed accepted by superior men