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girlfriend friend pictures and galleries

My aunt is cool enough to let my girlfriend and me use her place to fool around. But she does like to watch.

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It's really cool of my aunt to let my girlfriend and I use her house, especially when she's there.

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Between me and my sister, I wasn't sure where a new girlfriend would fit in. But we make it work.

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Since my sister moved in, my girlfriend and I are finding it harder to get any privacy.

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When my girlfriend and I learned my sister was stil a virgin, we thought it best to introduce her ourselves.

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My sister was jealous the entire time I had a girlfriend. But now it's all hers again.

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When my aunt said I could bring my girlfriend over to her place, I didn't know she wanted to be involved.

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My brother brought his girlfriend to the salon where I work. I said we could chill while he waited.

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Sis does the dirty things my girlfriend never would.

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They got along well at first, but now I think my girlfriend is a little jealous of my sister.

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My little sister really looks up to my girlfriend, and always wants to share her things.

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When we found out my girlfriend had been cheating, my sister was madder than anyone. Demanded that we show her what it felt like.

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Paradoxically, it's more often my girlfriend who walks in on private time with mom.

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My new girlfriend insists that her daughter never feel left out.

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Once mom and I explained things, my girlfriend got on board.

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When she comes over now, my girlfriend spends more and more time with my sister. Not that I mind watching.

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When dad agreed to let my girlfriend move in with us, I didn't realize what the price would be.

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Mom supervises every encounter with my girlfriend at the house. At least she tries to fit in.

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Mom hasn't liked any of the girlfriends I've had, until I found one willing to share.

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Sis has a girl-crush on my girlfriend. I think it's awesome.

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Just as my girlfriend and I are enjoying a nice afternoon, my sister shows up and expects to join in.

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After my girlfriend and I had finished with her, sis couldn't believe what she'd done.

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My girlfriend is awfully cool with mom constantly wanting to hook up with me.

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My sister and girlfriend generally along, but sis does get impatient at times.

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My girlfriend had plenty to say after catching mom and me together. I'm just surprised mom had the chill to respond.

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I finally found the perfect, cute Asian girlfriend to bring home. I'm just not the only one who fancies her.

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Having dad around can kind of slow things down with my girlfriend, but his house, his rules.

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Mom's house, mom's rules, mom's supervision when my girlfriend comes over.

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Little sis said should could make me cum harder than my girlfriend she was right.

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Dad can be surprisingly helpful with my girlfriend.

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Dad insists on vetting all my new girlfriends before I get too serious.

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Mom insists on chaperoning when my girlfriend comes over. But more so that I live up to expectations.

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Nothing makes me happier than seeing my girlfriend and sister get along.

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My sister does her best to keep me out of trouble with my girlfriend.

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I'm not really into all the things my girlfriend likes, so I get my sister to help.

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When my girlfriend and I fight, I can use the "I'm staying at my sister's" line, too.

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