Was lifting and finally gaining healthy weight. Got into a string of injuries and feel like I've lost it all. I guess I'm just looking for motivation? I feel like I've always been a stick and am destined to be so.
aaahhhh!!! I love love love love my new space onesie daddy got me hehe it makes me feel soooo little! ft. my beary big new friend mr. Theo (which daddy also gotted me hehe) eeeeee~
Got lazy with polishing/using balm on my 4 month old docs and the heel ripped. Can they be repaired or should I suck it up and get some new ones? I'm poor and they make me feel like a superhero as compared to the บ shoes from Walmart I usually wear
My /r/shyphoebe subreddit got banned because of bullies from /r/realgirls. I also got banned from /r/gonemild and /r/breedingmaterial. All because I hurt feelings of some big strong men so now they feel that they have to bully a teen girl lol