So the misses is keeping me locked till next friday, any suggestions to help with the pain/chafing on the underside of my balls? Its killing me at night.
Missed 4 days of work in the last two weeks. First my dog passed away, then my plumbing in my apartment explodes, and now I'm sick and my doctor won't let me back to work. Gonna be so short on rent. Give myself anxiety and worry or take nudes for the inte
So, u/Miss-Lilith of the Matriarchy wanted a closer look at how we train our cunts. I'm sure her interest is purely professional courtesy. No personal motivation at all. No ulterior motives. No sudden urge to rub her thighs together as she watches a happy
So, I requested u/Miss-Lilith complete a few preparatory activities before coming over to visit from the Matriarchy. On a completely unrelated note, here's a video of an Old World cunt completing tasks to hurt, humiliate and degrade herself.