In Jamaica and enjoyed not wearing and panties to dinner so I could have [f]un and tease a sexy lady! What would you have done if I flashed you like this?
I didn't get to the gy[m] before it closed today so it was "Naked Pull Up" day routine. Could you imagine how different it would be if this was how everybody worked out at the gym?
Apparently the last picture was bad, so here is another one to make up for that. Would be nice if you could say me why you didn't like the last one so I don't make the same mistake twice :) (6/?)
Amateur Aleenuh pussy. As always, link to full album in comments. I would appreciate if someone could make a imgur album of her pics. I don't have the time.
My mom always told me i could be anything i put my mind to! I honestly don't know if I ever would have become a slut on the internet without her encouragement
Artificial gender equality defenders' preference for superior Men is simply based on female inferiority. Superior people don't need to beg other people for things they can achieve on their own. women would not pay their curves if they could achieve the th
What is this image from??? I know it's from Melkor Mancin artist I just need to know what specific comic. Also if you could include a link that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
A superior person never rejects an inferior person. A superior man would fuck every woman in the world if he could, and he'd never reject a woman into one of his harems. The only reason why a woman rejects a man is that she's inferior and there is another
So a woman rejects a man because she is picky, and she is picky because she is inferior and so she needs a superior man. A superior man, however, would fuck every woman in the world if he could
The Feminist political prisoner feels her ragged frayed pants falling down, as she pulls in her gut, from the brutal pounding at the hands of the Junta Colonel. The wind is knocked out of her. She would be ready to surrender if she could only speak...
Young guys who fapped to lingerie catalogs in the 90s knew that the Sears catalog would do in a pinch. The Victoria's Secret catalog was better. And you were lucky if you could get your hands on a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog.
12 Years ago if you had told me that not only would I be ok with wearing diapers, and that many of my friends do as well (including some of the most awesome people I have ever met,) but that there would be more diaper styles than I could handle... I would
If you saw me on the street would you know that I'm a usable slut? Or would you never guess that you could watch me get fucked and swallow cum on Reddit