In rich countries of freedom, of professional opportunities and of feminism, she makes money that way either because she is inferior or because she is empowered; choose your favorite interpretation.
In poor countries you need to give women really really serious survival reasons for them to become prostitutes. In the rich First World you need to give women really really serious reasons for them to quit prostitution, and they won't even quit it then
In other words: if once given the freedom this is their idea of defending and furthering feminism itself, I don't even want to imagine how would they unsupervisedly govern a country
In poor countries women are mistreated against their will. In First World's countries of wealth, of professional opportunities, of freedom and of feminism women are smarter and they beg to be mistreated, but only to superior men
In Honor of the World Cup, I will cross post a girl from the winning countries that will wank to. Russian won 5-Nil. So here’s today’s girl: Marina Visconti.