The type of chocolate we usually eat is (M)etastable, requiring special processing to make. That's why chocolate that melted and then resolidified is often very different
Bottled water is more expensive than, and not as strictly regulated as, tap water (in the US, at least); produces plastic waste; and its source often *is* tap water (M)
"Radiation" has (M)ultiple meanings/uses, and not all radiation is bad. Non-ionizing radiation — radio waves, visible light, microwaves, etc. — is generally harmless
The idea of infinity is already pretty trippy, but what's even crazier is that there are (M)ultiple "sizes" of infinity (e.g., countable and uncountable)
The earth is, of course, orbiting the sun, but the sun is itself orbiting the center of the galaxy. It takes ~230M years for us to go around the (M)ilky Way
The allele that causes people to have more than five fingers or toes per hand or foot, respectively, is dominant over the one for five, which is kind of a (M)indfuck
"Anxious" and "eager" are different things. Anxious is generally negative ("I'm anxious about this big test"). Eager is generally positive ("I'm eager to try this new dessert") (M)