This was the text my GF sent a week before her Reddit meetup (with additional BJ photo). I didn't know who, what, when, or where she was going to do it, or if she really had any plans at all.
I can't believe I actually bought one of these sissy cages! I really thought this whole sissy thing was a passing phase when it started about a year ago!
You boss told you that he could give your daughter a job as his personal secretary. It was her first day and she seemed to be really enjoying it so far.
My buddy really became a cocky dick once we graduated from middle school and he got the starting varsity quarterback job as a freshman.. it was almost overnight that he became the coolest kid in school, chicks began throwing themselves at him, even the se
I went for a pregnancy massage today. It was so nice being oiled up. The woman even gave my breasts attention. She rubbed them a lot. Couldn’t believe it...but I really liked it.
My man went locked and without an orgasm through the whole of November so I gave him a big one yesterday as a reward. It was really powerful and emotional for both of us. Today is business as usual
I wore these tiny panty shorts to run errands. The cashier at Taco Bell called me darling and gave me a free drink. And a lady at CVS helped me find the right shade of makeup and was really friendly. It was exciting and fun being so daring :)
So my doctor told me I need to lose weight and it was one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me and has made me feel really bad about myself, but here a few last pictures of my belly right now to enjoy it while it's still here, you al
True to form, first thing when you walked in your bully stole your phone and ran off. What you weren't expecting was that later that day, he'd hand it back to you completely unharmed. What you REALLY weren't expecting was the new video on it shot inside y