Did your kid get a ribbon for showing up to a sporting event? Did you make up a pun that's just hilarious? Just get a new pet or start a new diet fad? Looking for someone to talk about it with? TVU is your guy!
41 wife w 4 kids. Massage me like you mean it and tell me your fantasies and you might just unlock my secret power! Any guesses as to what that is? Ladies welcome to play too!!!
I run a vintage softcore blog on tumblr and just hit 1000 posts. Thought I'd share what I've got. Anyway, here's over 200 50s babes. :) (x-post r/vintagebabes)
When your bully found out that your sister was a feminist who didn’t want any kids he couldn’t resist ruining her. You tried to stop him but he just beat the shit out if you. Now your sister is screaming how she’s just a hole to be filled while your bully