Someone just showed me this. Same shirt, taken a year apart. The picture on the right was taken 6 months after I stopped using heroin. If you or someone you know is struggling, I'm always here to talk.
Did your kid get a ribbon for showing up to a sporting event? Did you make up a pun that's just hilarious? Just get a new pet or start a new diet fad? Looking for someone to talk about it with? TVU is your guy!
[B/S] After my girlfriend had just dumped me, and my sister came home from another failed date, we started talking about how much easier it would be if we were just in a relationship with each other instead. "Well, we could do that..." I said:
GF and I have been talking about swinging and sharing pics for a while now :) Finally taking the plunge. I love it when she wears that tiny sweater that barely covers her midriff and her boobs are just on display to the world. (A lot more where these came
[VID] Do you like girls with accents? Let this busty Irish lass talk dirty to you for less with 2 for 1 videos! In this vid I strip, seduce and slide my fingers inside just for you
[VID] Do you like girls with accents? Let this busty Irish lass talk dirty to you for less with 2 for 1 videos! In this vid I strip, seduce and slide my fingers inside just for you
You recognize your sister's new boyfriend immediately. They've just been dating a week, so maybe you could talk to her and tell her what an asshole he is. As soon as he recognized you, he grabbed her for the first time, took her phone, and sent you this.
I asked your wife to go on a business trip. It was a week long one which you thought she would refuse. But your wife knew it was just code for me whoring her out to my company customers. She brought out her luggage before we finished talking.
She was just going over to pick up a few things. Her ex had been trying to get her alone for weeks. After a small talk about "closure" she gave up and let him do what he's always done. Just one last time, he promised.