All those feminists who are as inferior, worthless, pathetic, ridiculous and insignificant as to follow this subreddit and as to send me private messages to tell me they love this subreddit could help this subreddit in some nice ways
This subreddit has stated many times that feminism isn't a women's movement of hate for men, but a women's movement of hate for inferior men. Here you have a feminist begging and loving to be hated by the superior man her inferiority loves
This is a heads up for all of my sexyy fans... please do not add me on kik without messaging me here first and getting permission. I adore all my fans but the response Is insane . I only ever play or trade on kik on date nights. So only a few nights a wee
I'm not top 1%.. I'm not even sure I'm in the top 10% to be honest but I love doing this, so for my people on Reddit I'm doing 80% off, thank you for all the positivity guys