That was much better thanks for making me feel better. I hope you enjoy this picture the more likes , comments, and tributes i get the faster ill post more ;-p
I'm so very lucky to have a daddy who does so very much to make me feel loved and supported. Daddy is the light or my life and I don't know what I would have done without his endless love this past month. Thank you daddy
These leaflets have been raining down on my Feminist Village for weeks now. Everyone else seems able to ignore them, but they make me feel funny between my legs. I catch myself thinking about walking in the woods and hoping to stumble across a patrol to s
Last night after playing with Sir’s Gift for a while he had me smear it all over my face and wear it for the remainder of he evening. Nothing makes me feel like a proper cumdumpster like leaving it to dry on my flesh.
Got lazy with polishing/using balm on my 4 month old docs and the heel ripped. Can they be repaired or should I suck it up and get some new ones? I'm poor and they make me feel like a superhero as compared to the บ shoes from Walmart I usually wear