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men as women pictures and galleries

Sometimes I like to define pussy as "the ultimate purpose"

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Honestly, I prefer the left photo, but I include the 'wild' one as well

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She seems to be listening to some game. Oh, and she's smiling as well.

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One of the great advantages of being a very handsome guy is you can safely interpret outfits like this as: "fuck me please"

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Do you know why do feminists prefer to live with superior Men that will consider them and treat them as inferior, over living as superior women with inferior men or on their own? Because that's their best choice given their actual female inferiority

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So women basically are superior man-seeking trash. So they are trash; & so, to superior men, there's no need to regard or pursue women as if they were something superior to trash. Although superior men are superior and so they don't need superior wome

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feminists say women like and enjoy sex as much as Men. So, here you have a happy woman enjoying sex. Since she's enjoying it as much as him, she won't ask for any payment in exchange after the sex. If anything, she paid and begged for it

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Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a

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Time 2 introduce healthy feminism vs toxic feminism. Toxic feminism brainwashes women into the idea that they authentically r as superior as men, although despite this female superiority men manage to oppress women so female athletes run slower or fem. sc

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Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows that real life women are as superior as Men and so they need no superior Man and they're strong and superior Man-independent, this is why they only accept and prefer inferi

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Another thing we owe to feminism is that women can enjoy sex as much as men, without shame. Here we have two feminists enjoying sex as much as a man, without shame. feminism has been like female intelligence coming out of its closet, and we males are impr

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Here you have another feminist enjoying sex. I say she's enjoying it because you know what feminists always say: women like sex as much as Men

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From a superior man's experienced perspective women are just inferior fuckmeat. From inferior men's perspective women could be known as fuckmeat too, only they're not acting like such; but inexperience makes inferior men discern that lack of female submis

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Another trashy slut who thinks helping run feminism is running her own liberated freedom regardless of what to apply her freedom to. That's how she proves her superior wisdom. So yeah, gender equality is women are as free and right holding as men. Wisdom

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Decent honorable women prefer inferior, respectful, feminist men who think women are more than simple fuckmeat, they're as superior as men and have better things to offer than their bodies. Real life women, on the other hand, prefer superior men

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Because women enjoy sex as much as men right?

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Smart modern feminists know the social cliché that it's bad to be abused and mistreated just to male sexual enjoyment is something inferior men say so women don't submit to superior men. she's proud she's in charge of her sexuality and likes sex as much a

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In reality women are superior, but they show themselves as inferior because it's their only way to get accepted by superior Men, and everybody knows superior women logically need superior Men's protection and support

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Gentlemen, don't always mistreat your women. Sometimes you should treat them well and give them what they need. For instance, here you have two feminist sex workers enjoying as much as Men the sex they earn money to work with professionalism and qualifica

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It's indecent to bow, submit and self-debase to another person's amusement; you have to respect yourself as much as you respect others, cause you're as good as others. This is why women consider it to be indecent and immoral to submit to inferior men; it'

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So yes, you can't deny that sex work is a type of contribution to Science, to Technology, to Progress and to Patriarchy. women say it: "for Science". Here you have another smart sex-positive feminist enjoying sex as much as men

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You know, modern women have evolved to enjoy sex as much as Men, to the point of begging for it, or earning money to do porn

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So women feel validationally happy when their physical pain and moral degradation succeed in amusing and getting enjoyed by a superior man. This is why women can validationally enjoy being mistreated as long as it is by a superior man

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Every woman, even a hypothetically superior one, could be used as a toilet. It's the fact that this is the best thing female inferiority can honestly contribute that makes women happy to be used as a toilet when it is by men that are superior

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Gents: the /r/MD version of women's definition "superior man-pursuing inferior fuckmeat" includes the "superior man-pursuing" clause as much as the "inferior fuckmeat" one. Pickiness (due to inferiority) defines women too, which is why women behave like p

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The difference between Male & female genders is a superior man won't allow women to treat him as inferior bc of the actuality of his superiority, but a woman won't allow a man 2 treat her as inferior bc she can be treated as inferior by another man wh

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MD feminists: the fact that women try to use the sex they have with a man as a rejectional hurting method against other men is the psychological foundation of the male behavior of going less interested about sex with a woman if she had sex with other men

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Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too

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The Internet is helping feminists improve their skills at being accepted by the superior men their female inferiority needs to pick, but this is increasing inferior men's pressure on women as well, and this is why feminism needs to intensify its agenda ag

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This subreddit could b thought as a pictorial illustration of what the life of a superior man looks like. From this viewpoint this subreddit shows as well the reasons why superior men laugh so hard when they see women using feminism for tricking inferior

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A superior man doesn't need to allow and won't allow any woman to address him in other terms than 'Sir' or 'Master' (as long as that woman wants to have the chance to interact with him). Inferior men might try the same, but women will laugh at them

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Inferior men think that if women are inferior they should submit to everyone as such. Inferior men don't understand women's inferiority isn't the only concern involved, but whether the man is superior or inferior counts too. women only submit to the super

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A means is only superior if it produces its outcome. E.g, u only value ur car as long as it takes u 2 ur destination. female inferiority is women's means 4 superior men. So when women get their inferiority accepted by a man, the favor is being done 2 wome

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Only inferior men that haven't the slightest idea of what women are to superior men think that "who approaches who" is the important question to women. If "who approaches who" acquires the slightest trace of importance, she doesn't *really* see you as a s

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hypergamy is women's self-defense: "if we have 2 b treated as inferior, we'll only choose superior men; but if we have 2 accept inferior men, we must b treated as superior". feminists aren't being treated as presidents, so expect a lot of female submissio

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Does it make sense for women to describe themselves as MILFs? I think MYLF would be better: mother *you'd* like to fuck

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