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Viciously beaten, with cum on her face, publicly exposed to social mockery, contempt and exclusion... it's the way she makes money. Yeah, she's the pure image of smartness and of self-sufficiency

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Wealthy countries' wise feminists struggled for their right to this. So this is the right they're liberatedly running in the present: the right to earn money by means of their wisdom.

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Give women freedom and you'll have them earning money in exchange for sex

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Another feminist convincing a man with her best skills, in order to get him to give her money.

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Doing something for his money. In a frame of liberation and feminism.

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Using her best female skills for earning money. This is what good feminists do (like everyone else).

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Poor girl. Forced to earn money that way.

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In rich countries of freedom, of professional opportunities and of feminism, she makes money that way either because she is inferior or because she is empowered; choose your favorite interpretation.

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I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists make money by shitting on feminism to male amusement, liberatedly and willingly.

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Another superior feminist, getting money and social position the way women have always done.

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First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries' whores. Poor countries' feminists r whores bc it's their only option 2 earn money & survive. They're unwilling, false whores. Rich countries' feminists earn mon

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Feminists don't have better ways of earning money than shitting on feminism for male enjoyment.

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Another strong independent feminist using her capabilities to make money as a pay-per-use toilet, aka sex worker. She's a bit more expensive than the traditional toilet behind her because her greater capabilities enable her to make sandwiches and iron shi

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Another modernistic feminist earning money to work as a whore

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feminists get abuse, mistreatment and semen from the superior male minority, and money from the inferior male majority; but thanks to democracy being a majority-based system, feminists can get presidencies from the inferior male majority too. NEVER undere

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