[45M] 210, 5' 9". Best exercises for a 45 year old to shed some pounds? My son bet me if I could lose 20 pounds by Christmas he'd get a haircut. I need to win...can I possibly do this without cutting out beer? How many pounds is realistic?
[Selling] SWEAT hot panties that just came from the gym today! These are my favorite pair to wear exercising and get wet in;) message me if interested!
[M/33/6’/81kg] Managed to drop 3 of the 5kg I picked up over Christmas with a full week on course with my nutrition, despite only being able to exercise properly twice.
Kept Slave Cunt: With the "Guess the Cunt" contest being incredibly popular I've had to cage the mysterious masked cunt in my office for her own safety. Don't worry; she still gets intense, regular exercise...