My wife, about 20 years ago, in a hotel in St Louis. We took a lot of great pics that night. I'm sure some film developer kept a copy of those negatives LOL
My 52 year old wife. Taken in 1999, about 4 months after delivering child #2 (she was 33). This set was taken on film, and we're pretty sure someone somewhere (besides us) kept a copy of the negatives.
amateur fornicate in the female-above position, and this experience, like a good psychedelic trip, convinces them that eating most carbs is bad and negatively affects sex quality
"Anxious" and "eager" are different things. Anxious is generally negative ("I'm anxious about this big test"). Eager is generally positive ("I'm eager to try this new dessert") (M)
"Anxious" and "eager" are different things. Anxious is generally negative ("I'm anxious about this big test"). Eager is generally positive ("I'm eager to try this new dessert")